Teen Athletes, Injuries, & Rehab

Check out this segment from the Today Show Teen Athletes at High Risk for Knee Injuries.

The article describes an increase in teen sports-related injuries; but, most importantly, it indicates the importance of physical therapy following an injury. Sports-related injuries are heart-breaking for athletes and their families; but, with the help of physical therapists around the country, getting back in the game is just treatments away.

Most importantly, Physical Therapists are qualified to advice coaches, parents, and athletes on proper exercise techniques for injury prevention. Physical Therapists can advise individuals on proper shoe ware, inserts, supports, and bracing.

Whether you are a teen athlete or an adult, TLC Physical Therapy, Inc. specializes in injury prevention and sports rehabilitation. Contact us before training begins and take a proactive approach to preventing a sports related injury. A little bit of preparing goes a long way when considering injury prevention.


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